Thursday, June 21, 2007

First meeting recap

Many thanks to everyone who came out for the first Ink Spots writing group meeting! Phil and I were pleasantly surprised that it wasn't just us and two friends.

Our next meeting is Tuesday, JULY 17. Not "next week" as I kept saying. If you couldn't join us for the first meeting, please feel free to come in JULY.

Right now the meetings are divided into two parts; first, we meet and discuss a writing or publishing topic, or will have a speaker share something about publishing. After the break, we regroup and talk about our own projects, share goals, and critique two or three projects from group members who are looking for feedback.

Just to be clear: you don't need to come for the whole night. If you're only interested in coming to sit in on the discussion about self-publishing or writing a proposal or whatever topic we're focusing on that night, but aren't interested in getting up close and personal with other folks' writing, that's completely fine. Come for the discussion and leave at the break.

Again, thanks to Barnes & Noble and to Penelope for all of their help! And thanks to everyone who expressed interest but couldn't come. Please continue to keep in touch with us!


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