Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Resources for Writers

Please let us know if you have any other suggestions to add!
(Special thanks to Shelley Weinstein for taking the time to get this list started!!)


Art of Dramatic Writing............... Lajos Egri
Art of Fiction................................ John Gardner
Aspects of the Novel................... E.M. Forster
Bird by Bird.................................. Anne Lamott
Elements of Style........................ Strunk & White
Forest For the Trees................... Betsy Lerner
Hero With a Thousand Faces..... Joseph Campbell
If You Want to Write.................... Brenda Ueland
On Becoming a Novelist............. John Gardner
On Writing................................... Stephen King
On Writing Well........................... William Zinsser
Reading Like a Writer................. Francine Prose
Room to Write............................. Bonnie Goldberg
Stein on Writing........................... Sol Stein
Story............................................ Robert McKee
The Artist's Way.......................... Julie Cameron
The Writing Life........................... Annie Dillard
Writer's Journey.......................... Chris Vogler
Writing Creative Nonfiction......... ed. Forche & Gerard
Writing Down the Bones............. Natalie Goldberg
Writing to Change the World...... Mary Pipher
Zen in the Art of Writing............... Ray Bradbury


The Writers’ Market

Christian Writers' Market Guide 2007: The Essential Reference Tool for the Christian Writer (Christian Writers' Market Guide)

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